Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm free!

This Saturday was my last shift at the cafe. I was tired of pouring coffee and pretending to care and listening to stupid people babble on and on, so I got a new job! I am now a photographer's assistant/second-shooter in South Philly. This job is absolutely ideal. The photographer is awesome, the pay is double that of the cafe per month and my schedule is perfect.

I can't believe every aspect of my income is now coming from my photography: selling prints, freelancing, the bar gig and this new job. It's too good to be true. Are my "How may I help you?", "Can I take your order?" mopping the floor days OVER???

As I danced (mentally) out of the cafe on Saturday afternoon, the Flaming Lips rockin' my earbuds, I saw this window washer on 13th and Market.

Scenes from my front stoop